

(Foundational practices)

Hidhid: Storm Sanctuary (Self-Stabilization Practices – 3 Hour Playspace)

Using dice and/or cards paired with discussion, this playspace intends to inspire the co-creation of practices for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social, and ancestral stabilization, especially when experiencing loss (e.g. death, moving, irreconcilable conflict, etc.).

    • First Hour: Introductions of Each Other & The Game
    • Second Hour: Playing the Game & Debriefing the Game
    • Third Hour: Discussion/Journalling/Arting

No prerequisite.

Anito: Other-Than-Human Connection (2 Month Play Program)

This program intends to inspire practices for honouring and maintaining relationships with the spirits of celestial beings, elemental beings, ancestral beings, plant beings, animal beings, tool beings, place/directional beings, etc. We will be co-creating oracular tools, using body-based sensing, and sharing our experiences. This program is a revised version of the Animist Language Arts audio webinars created in 2023.

    • Week 1: Introduction/History
    • Week 2: Perception
    • Week 3: Vocabulary
    • Week 4: Grammar
    • Week 5: Reading
    • Week 6: Writing
    • Week 7: Speaking
    • Week 8: Closing

Prerequisite: Hidhid/Storm Sanctuary or fill out the registration form explaining your self-stabilization practices.

Spirit Clown Registration Form

Note on Scheduling:

  • If dates haven’t been posted yet, you will receive an email after registration when dates are solidified for the sharings/classes/programs/groups.
  • Tulang sharings will usually be scheduled on Mondays.
  • If this scheduling doesn’t work for you, please note your availability on the registration form. 
  • It may be easier to get another time slot if you register with a group of two or more other people for the same sharing(s).


  1. Tulang (Foundational Practices)
  2. Gamot (Deepening Spiritwork/Spiritplay Practices)
  3. Hawak (Growing Practices on Balancing [Our]Self)
  4. Sanga (Roleplaying Game Rituals)
  5. Dahon (Co-playing on Tool and Content Creation)
  6. Puon (Collaborative Offerings)