

(Deepening one’s practices through playing with more frameworks about spiritwork)

Dawani: Weaving & Storytelling Overview (3 Month Play Program of Filipinx Spirit Worlds)

This program is for Filipinx folks (especially of Tagalog, Bisayan, and/or Bikol ancestry) who are interested in spirit world knowledge based on my experiences with and understanding of directional spirits, Tagalog/Bikol/Bisayan creation stories, the cycles of life and death, and the guidance of my own teachers, ancestors, and spirits. Storytelling and artmaking are interwoven into each session, as you discover your own connection with spirit worlds.

    • Week 1: Intro/Creation/Centre
    • Week 2: North/Guide/Amihan & South/Guide/Habagatan
    • Week 3: East/Guide/Aldaw the Younger & West/Guide/Aldaw the Elder
    • Week 4: Underworld/Guide/Tubigan & Upperworld/Guide/Languit
    • Week 5: Bito’on/Cycle of Experience
    • Week 6: Bulan/Cycle of Energy
    • Week 7: Aldaw Luntok/Cycle of Awareness
    • Week 8: Daga/Cycle of Existence & the Red/Woundfinder
    • Week 9: Orange/Soulbringer
    • Week 10: Yellow/Mapmaker
    • Week 11: Green/Voidlighter
    • Week 12: Blue/Connector & Purple/Guide & Closing

Prerequisite: Hidhid: Storm Sanctuary and Anito: Other Than Human Connection, or fill out the registration form explaining your self-stabilization and animist practices.

Liwat: Cycles (Grief & Joy Practices – 1 Month Playspace)

Using body-based exercises and relational, improvisational games, this 4-week playspace intends to inspire the co-creation of practices that express and process grief, and other practices that express and process joy– sometimes both at the same time. 

    • Week 1: Bito’on/Cycle of Experience
    • Week 2: Bulan/Cycle of Energy
    • Week 3: Aldaw/Cycle of Awareness
    • Week 4: Daga/Cycle of Existence

Prerequisite: Hidhid: Storm Sanctuary and Anito: Other Than Human Connection, or fill out the registration form explaining your self-stabilization and animist practices.

Spirit Clown Registration Form

Note on Scheduling:

  • If dates haven’t been posted yet, you will receive an email after registration when dates are solidified for the sharings/classes/programs/groups.
  • Gamot sharings will usually be scheduled on Tuesdays.
  • If this scheduling doesn’t work for you, please note your availability on the registration form. 
  • It may be easier to get another time slot if you register with a group of two or more other people for the same sharing(s).


  1. Tulang (Foundational Practices)
  2. Gamot (Deepening Spiritwork/Spiritplay Practices)
  3. Hawak (Growing Practices on Balancing [Our]Self)
  4. Sanga (Roleplaying Game Rituals)
  5. Dahon (Co-playing on Tool and Content Creation)
  6. Puon (Collaborative Offerings)