In any anti-oppression workshop you’re giving, remember that you have to teach your participants the following: What is privilege and oppression? How can I be less oppressive? How can I be a good ally? How can I put on inclusive events? How can I make my group or organization less oppressive? How can my group […]
Troubleshoot Tuesday: 3 Ways to Learn The P-Word
Whether you’re running a presentation for your job, doing a workshop for your community, or trying to have a conversation with that “friend” (you know which one I’m talking about), you may have to struggle with explaining the word that gets 25% of people’s back’s up: privilege. (Note: I am not a statistician, so when […]
Musings Monday: 5 Common Mistakes I’ve Made in Transformative Justice Work
Content Warning: mentions of abuse, violence, sexual assault, oppression. — Whenever I get the phone call, or text message, or email, my heart seems to drop into my stomach and my fists clench, like I’m about to throwdown in a school yard or poetry slam. “He hurt me, and he’s hurt others– what should I […]
Lukayo’s Kinaban – Official Patreon Launch!
Kinaban will be updated with the following schedule: Musings Monday These are blog-style posts that are open to the public and can range on whatever I’m thinking at the time. They will also update everyone on how projects are going. These posts will talk about my uncle, known as Noah Heart, the Wish Whisperer, and […]