

  • Dulot means gift or sacrifice. 
  • For living humans, the Spirit Clown sharings and groups currently operate on a generosity-based, gift economics model so there are no set registration fees for attendance. I am also influenced by the gift economics model of the East Bay Meditation Centre that was modelled when I took the Practice in Transformative Action program.
  • Dulot is grounded in a Bikol cultural understanding of sustaining ourselves with generosity– we offer a gift, and in turn a gift will be offered to us. I offer accessibility as a gift, and then invite others to give back according to their level of ability. Part of understanding the gift of accessibility is being transparent that these sessions cost about $250-300 per hour in regards to my time, labour, and training. Donations can be made through Paypal ( or e-transfer at lukayo.estrella [at], and I can also send you a chart showing a recommended gift amount based on your income range if that would be helpful. Gifts can also be in the form of barter and trade. Please contact me at lukayo.estrella [at] to discuss forms of energetic exchange that would be sustainable for all beings involved.
  • Lastly, as part of dulot, we give thanks and blessings to all other-than-human beings who have also supported the sharings.