Workshop Wednesday (Pt 2): Inclusive Programming

This is a visual tool that gives the basic outline on how to plan an inclusive program or event. Ideally, events and programming would center those most affected by the issue that the event is about, as well as have them in leadership positions, so they would not have to be considered simply “included”.

Events, whether they’re knowledge exchanges, presentations, gatherings, or celebrations, are ways that folks can build the communities and anti-oppressive world that we want. That’s why I think it’s so important that our events have to reflect our anti-oppressive theory and prevent the perpetuation of further exclusion and marginalization.

This tool is best presented with the tools on Inclusive Policies & Procedures and Direct Action.

Activity Idea

Divide the group into three, and assign each group one of each of the following posters: Dis/Ableism 101, the Pillars of White Supremacy, and The Gender Binary.  Each group then has to work as a small collective on planning an event centered on or raising awareness about the specific oppression they were assigned.

Poster Description

The poster has a turquoise header and footer, with the center having a white background. The header, in dark grey font, has the title “INCLUSIVE PROGRAMMING”. In the footer, in white font, has “” and ““.

There are three columns, with a turquoise title and dark grey text.

The first column has the following text:

– If possible, consult with leaders/Elders of the territory you are on and invite them to be part of the programming
– If this event is not about some that affects you and your demographic, ensure that the marginalized folks it is about are consulted and are in leadership positions”

The second column has the following text:

-Acknowledgement of the territory the event is on and accountability statement regarding treaties
– Acknowledgement of any cultures the event supports and/or is inspired by (e.g. hip hop and Black Liberation)
– If possible, translate to different languages and include diverse people in images
– Tailor different promo to different people
– Make accessibility notes and apologize for inaccessible aspects”

The third column has the following text:

– Diverse hosts/speakers
– Quiet room / children’s room
– Support staff and crisis protocols
– Name tags and pronoun stickers/buttons
– Clear signage and announcements about all accessibility notes
– If applicable, follow protocols of  indigenous Elders and speakers
– Ensure ways people can get home safely
– Feedback forms in person and online”

Want to have access to the larger full colour updated 2019 poster, the original photograph of the hand-drawn 2016 poster, and other anti-oppression related teaching tools? Click on the link below and subscribe for as little as $3/month. By becoming a patron, you support healing work among my communities, and the indigenous Elders that mentor me.