Workshop Wednesday: Anti-Oppression Learning Tools

In any anti-oppression workshop you’re giving, remember that you have to teach your participants the following:
  • What is privilege and oppression?
  • How can I be less oppressive?
  • How can I be a good ally?
  • How can I put on inclusive events?
  • How can I make my group or organization less oppressive?
  • How can my group understand our oppressive dynamics so we can work together better?
  • What are ways to stop oppressive comments?
  • What are ways to stop oppressive events?
  • What are ways to stop oppressive institutions?

Participants may want more information on one thing instead of another. For example, a local group may want to know more about stopping oppressive institutions while another group wants to know how to run good events. It’s important to ask your audience what they’re looking for and also understand the community you’re serving so that you can choose the right tools for any particular workshop you’re putting on.

I divide tools into 2 kinds:

  1. Theory & Concepts
  2. Action

Your workshop should have a mix of theory and action because it’s important for many people to know why the action works that way. For example, it’s impossible to build great allyship without a basic understanding of what privilege is.

Lastly, I encourage you to make your own tools utilizing your own talents of visual art, spoken word, theatre, gaming, video, and more!

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