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Update: The Return & Spirit Clown

Update: The Return & Spirit Clown

In short, I’ve spent 2024 focused on receiving healing while updating my vision of what I’d like to offer/share, and undoing the blocks I have on being donated to directly for my work and my fear of putting myself out there. So, what are the changes, besides me having more capacity and centered in my […]

Bodywork RPGs

What’s bodywork? When I talk about “bodywork”, I’m not necessarily talking about it as a form of alternative medicine or therapeutic practice, though it can be that for many people (and definitely I’m influenced in that direction due to my training in somatic experience). However, I’m talking about bodywork as a form of nondual animism […]

[PATREON] Update on Patronage Recipients

[PATREON] Update on Patronage Recipients

Hello lovely Patrons! It’s been 2.5 years since the last update, and I appreciate your patience with me as I focused on my health and continued to send your money monthly to the patronage recipients. Here’s some of what your donations were used for by elders, teachers, and healers. Nanay Myrna Pula of the T’Boli […]

Update: Tentative Return in July 2023

Though my healing and recovery journey is still at the forefront, I’ve reached enough capacity to tentatively return to maintaining this website, taking on creative and artistic work, and continuing the fundraising campaign on Patreon for my indigenous and Filipino teachers. I will also be introducing new projects, such as my creative and spiritual partnership […]

Update: On Hiatus During 2022

For the year 2022, I will be taking a break from making new content or committing to new projects while I focus on my healing and recovery. What this means is that projects I’ve already discussed with folks in 2021 I may still continue to work on, however, any new asks for this year I […]

Happy New Year! Update

There’s so much and so little I can say about the last year, but for now I just want to send you all my love and hope for the new year that’s begun, as well as update you on what’s next for the Kinaban Patreon. First, the December article is late, but should be out […]

Workshop Wednesday: Recognizing Privilege

This basic visual tool for sighted folks is best used for anti-oppression 101 workshops, and can be used as an alternative (or side-by-side) with privilege check-lists, privilege games and gaming analogies, and storytelling/group work activities. I especially like to use the handout Towards Healing All Our Relations / To Equalize Power Among Us by Margo […]

Musings Monday: Noah Heart

[Image description: There is a photo in a blue frame. In the photo, there is a brown-skinned man with dark hair, glasses, and a long-sleeved shirt who is praying to an angel statue. The blue frame has the words “NOAH HEART” at the top, “DREAMS” to the left, “WISHES” to the right, and “HEALING” at […]