Hey folks, though I’ve healed from my injury, two recent deaths last week in the QTBIPOC communities I’m a part of requires me to have time away from posting. I also took down the Musings Monday on transmisogyny in nonbinary communities I posted earlier because it still needs a lot of revisions. If you were […]
Archive | October, 2018
Throwback Thursday: Being Fey #2 (2004)
Image Description: The cover of the zine is a picture of a person with cat ears and tail, curly black hair, purple and black arm warmers, black jeans, striped suspenders, black sneakers, purple socks, with a tiny panda on the person’s head. The title is “being fey #2” and “VERSES / VERSUS”. The second picture […]
Throwback Thursday: Being Fey #1 (2003)
Content Warning/Trigger Warning: questioning reality/schizophrenia mention/casual saneism Image Descriptions: The cover of the zine is an abstract art piece done in charcoal with shapes that look like claws, spirals, eyes, stitches, tails, wings, etc. The text reads “being fey Issue *1 {one}” and “an experiment in self-aggrandizement”. Title page of a comic done in black […]
Workshop Wednesday: Pillars of White Supremacy
Like the Dis/Ableism 101 visual tool, the Pillars of White Supremacy is an anti-racism 101 visual tool for sighted folks that goes well with the Oppression Triangle tool. The purpose of this poster/handout is to introduce folks to the different forms of racism in North American society, and it is based on the work of […]
Musings Monday: More Than Minorities
(5 Tips on Building Alliances with Indigenous Folks and/or Black Folks as a Person of Colour) Content Warning: anti-Black racism, settler colonialism . . . When I was a younger trans and queer person of colour (PoC), I remember the first time I was welcomed into a PoC-only space, and how ecstatic I was, that […]
Workshop Wednesday: Dis/Ableism
This is a basic Dis/Ableism 101 visual tool for sighted folks that goes well with the Oppression Triangle tool. The purpose of this poster/handout is to introduce folks to the basic models of how dis/ableism works in North American society, and is based on the work of Mia Mingus and A.J. Withers. For a more […]
Musings Monday: I Am Not A Burden
Content Warning: ableism, ED, chronic illness, mental illness Image Description: Black background with stylized yellow stars. In a greyish-white thought bubble are the words “I Am Not A Burden” in yellow. Beside the thought bubble in yellow text is the following: “5 TIPS AGAINST INTERNALIZED ABLEISM”. Below that in white text is “patreon.com/lukayo” and “lukayo.com”. […]
Throwback Thursday: Mnemosyne’s Carcass
Artwork from Mnemosyne’s Carcass, a zine I published in 2005 with my original illustrations and some creative non-fiction rambling. Image Descriptions The first scan is of the cover and back cover of a black and white ‘zine/chapbook. The cover is an inked drawing of a pale woman with pale hair. The title is “being fey […]
Workshop Wednesday: Recognizing Privilege
This basic visual tool for sighted folks is best used for anti-oppression 101 workshops, and can be used as an alternative (or side-by-side) with privilege check-lists, privilege games and gaming analogies, and storytelling/group work activities. I especially like to use the handout Towards Healing All Our Relations / To Equalize Power Among Us by Margo […]
Musings Monday: 3 Lessons on Survivor Culture
Content warning: discussions on rape culture and sexual abuse Image Description: Four hands are holding each other’s wrists in a square-like shape. Half the hands are dark-skinned, and the other lighter-skinned. In the background is a blurry field of pink flowers and green grass and greyish-blue sky. The text reads: “3 Lessons on Survivor Culture” […]